Tutorials for master PTSC in 2013-2014
Variations on the Ising model (TD1)
Monte Carlo simulations (TD2)
Molecular dynamics at constant temperature (TD3)
The structure factor (TD4)
Finite size scaling in first and second order transitions (TD5)
Totally asymmetric exclusion model (TD6)
Aging in the 1D Ising model with Glauber dynamics (TD7)
Non-equilibrium work relations (TD8)
Examen PTSC (2012)
Examen PTSC (2013)
corrigé partie I
corrigé partie II.
Tutorials for master PTSC in 2014-2015
Thermodynamics (TD1)
Monte Carlo simulations (TD2)
and associated Python codes:
acceptance ratio.py,
error evaluation.py.
Molecular dynamics at constant temperature (TD3)
The structure factor (TD4)
Finite size scaling in first and second order transitions (TD5)
Advanced Monte Carlo methods (TD6),
with some codes:
Ising with Metropolis
Cluster algorithm,
Ising from density of state.
Stochastic thermodynamics (TD7)
Totally asymmetric exclusion model (TD8)