

  1. Parallelization of Gillespie algorithm based on binary words,
    M. Castellana and D. Lacoste, [Arxiv],

  2. Inhibition of bacterial growth by antibiotics,
    B. Ledoux and D. Lacoste, [Arxiv],


  3. Structural constraints limit the regime of optimal flux in autocatalytic reaction networks,
    A. Despons, Y. De Decker, and D. Lacoste, [Arxiv], Commun. Phys. (2024)

  4. Emergence of homochirality via template-directed ligation in an RNA reactor,
    G. Laurent, T. Göppel, D. Lacoste and U. Gerland, [Arxiv], PRX Life 2, 013015

  5. The trade-off between growth and risk in Kelly's gambling and beyond,
    S. Cavallero, A. Rousselot, R. Pugatch, L.Dinis and D. Lacoste, Physica A, [BioRxiv],


  6. Cell lineage statistics with incomplete population trees,
    A. Genthon, T. Nozoe, L. Peliti and D. Lacoste, [Arxiv], PRX Life 1, 013014

  7. Cell behavior in the face of uncertainty, chapter in book: 'Economic principles in cell biology'
    D. Lacoste, O. Rivoire and D. S. Tourigny [Arxiv],


  8. Pareto-optimal trade-off for phenotypic switching of populations in a stochastic environment,
    L. Dinis, J. Unterberger, and D. Lacoste, [bioRXiv], J. Stat. Mech., 053503 (2022).

  9. Adaptive strategies in Kelly's horse races model,
    A. Despons, L. Peliti, and D. Lacoste, [arXiv], J. Stat. Mech., 093405 (2022),

  10. Branching process with resetting as a model for cell division,
    A. Genthon, R. Garcia-Garcia, and D. Lacoste, [arXiv], J. Phys. A.: Math. Theor. 55, 074001 (2022),

  11. A robust transition to homochirality in complex chemical reaction networks,
    G. Laurent, P. Gaspard, and D. Lacoste, Proc. R. Soc. A 478:20210590 (2022), [PDF], [arXiv].


  12. Emergence of homochirality in large molecular systems,
    G. Laurent, D. Lacoste, and P. Gaspard, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 118, (2021), [PDF], and Suppl. Mat. [Hal].

  13. Universal constraints on selection strength in lineage trees,
    A. Genthon, D. Lacoste, Phys. Rev. Res., 3, 023181 (2021), [PDF], [arXiv].


  14. The generality of transient compartmentalization and its associated error threshold,
    A. Blokhuis, P. Nghe, L. Peliti and D. Lacoste, J. Theor. Bio, 487, 110110 (2020), [PDF], [arXiv].

  15. Fluctuation relations and fitness landscape of growing cell populations,
    A. Genthon, and D. Lacoste, Sci. Rep., 10, 1038 (2020), [PDF], [arXiv].

  16. Universal motifs and the diversity of autocatalytic systems,
    A. Blokhuis, D. Lacoste, and P. Nghe, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 117, 25230 (2020), [PDF], [ChemRxiv].

  17. Phase transitions in optimal strategies for gambling,
    L. Dinis, J. Unterberger, and D. Lacoste, Eur. Phys. Lett., 131, 60005 (2020), [PDF], [arXiv].


  18. Survival of self-replicating molecules under transient compartmentalization with natural selection,
    G. Laurent, L. Peliti and D. Lacoste, Life, 9,78 (2019), [PDF], [arxiv].

  19. An ordered set of power-efficiency trade-offs,
    H. Vroylandt, D. Lacoste and G. Verley, J. Stat. Mech, 054002 (2019), [PDF], [arxiv].

  20. Linking lineage and population observables in biological branching processes,
    R. Garcia-Garcia, A. Genthon and D. Lacoste, Phys. Rev. E, 042413 (2019), [PDF], [arxiv].

  21. A case study of thermodynamic bounds for chemical kinetics,
    K. Proesmans, L. Peliti and D. Lacoste, in "Chemical kinetics beyond the textbook", World Scientific Publishers (2019), [arxiv].


  22. Mechanical factors affecting the mobility of membrane proteins,
    V. Démery and D. Lacoste, in "Physics of biological membranes", Springer (2018), [arxiv].

  23. Degree of coupling and efficiency of energy converters far-from-equilibrium,
    H. Vroylandt, D. Lacoste and G. Verley,
    J. Stat. Mech, 023205 (2018), [PDF], [arxiv].

  24. Selection dynamics in transient compartmentalization,
    A. Blokhuis, D. Lacoste, P. Nghe and L. Peliti
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 120,158101 (2018), [PDF], [arxiv].

  25. Reaction kinetics in open reactors and serial transfers between closed reactors,
    A. Blokhuis, D. Lacoste, P. Gaspard
    J. Chem. Phys., 148, 144902 (2018), [PDF], [arxiv].


  26. Information-theoretic analysis of the directional influence between cellular processes,
    S. Lahiri, P. Nghe, S. Tans, ML. Rosinberg and D. Lacoste,
    PLOS One 12 (11), e0187431 (2017), [PDF], [arxiv].

  27. Length and sequence relaxation of copolymers under recombination reactions,
    A. Blokhuis and D. Lacoste,
    J. Chem. Phys., 147, 094905 (2017), [PDF], [arxiv].


  28. Thermodynamic bounds on equilibrium fluctuations of a global or local order parameter,
    J. Guioth and D. Lacoste,
    EPL, 115, 60007 (2016), [PDF], [arxiv].

  29. Thermodynamic inference based on coarse-grained data or noisy measurements ,
    R. Garcia-Garcia, S. Lahiri and D. Lacoste,
    Phys. Rev. E, 93, 032103 (2016), [PDF], [arxiv].

  30. An update on active membranes,
    D. Lacoste and P. Bassereau,
    (CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, Abington, UK), 271, (2016), [PDF].


  31. Glucans monomer-exchange dynamics as an open chemical network,
    R. Rao, M. Esposito and D. Lacoste,
    J. Chem. Phys., 143, 174501 (2015), [PDF], [arxiv].

  32. Kinetics and thermodynamics of reversible polymerization in closed systems,
    S. Lahiri, Y. Wang, M. Esposito and D. Lacoste,
    New J. Phys., 17, 085008 (2015), [PDF], [arxiv].

  33. Fluctuation relations for equilibrium states with broken discrete or continuous symmetries,
    D. Lacoste and P. Gaspard,
    J. Stat. Mech.,, P11018 (2015), [PDF], [arxiv].

  34. Stochastic thermodynamics of a tagged particle within an harmonic chain,
    D. Lacoste and M. A. Lomholt,
    Phys. Rev. E, 91, 022114 (2015), [PDF], [arxiv].


  35. Isometric Fluctuation Relations for equilibrium states with Broken Symmetry,
    D. Lacoste and P. Gaspard,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 240602 (2014), [PDF], together with Suppl. Info. [PDF]. [arxiv].

  36. Energy versus information based estimations of dissipation using a pair of magnetic colloidal particles,
    S. Tush, A. Kundu, G. Verley, T. Blondel, V. Miralles, D. Lacoste and J. Baudry,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, 180604 (2014), [PDF], together with Suppl. Info. [PDF].

  37. Shape matters in protein mobility within membranes,
    F. Quemeneur, J. K. Sigurdsson, M. Renner, P. J. Atzberger, P. Bassereau and D. Lacoste,
    Proc. Nat. Acad. Science USA, 111, 5083 (2014), [PDF], together with Suppl. Info. [PDF].


  38. Non-invasive estimation of dissipation from non-equilibrium fluctuations in chemical reactions,
    S. Muy, A. Kundu and D. Lacoste,
    J. Chem. Phys., 139, 124109 (2013), [PDF]. [arxiv].


  39. Fluctuation theorems and inequalities generalizing the second law of thermodynamics out of equilibrium,
    G. Verley and D. Lacoste,
    Phys. Rev. E, 86, 051127 (2012), [PDF]. [arxiv].

  40. Fluctuations and response from a Hatano-Sasa approach,
    G. Verley and D. Lacoste,
    Phys. Scr., 86, 058505 (2012), [PDF],

  41. History-dependent depolymerization of actin filaments,
    I. Jain, D. Lacoste, D. Panda and R. Padinhateeri,
    Biochemistry, 51, 7580 (2012), [PDF], [Suppl. Mat.].

  42. Inequalities generalizing the second law of thermodynamics for transitions between non-stationary states,
    G. Verley, R. Chetrite and D. Lacoste,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 108 120601 (2012), [PDF], [arxiv].

  43. The random release of phosphate controls the dynamic instability of microtubules,
    R. Padinhateeri, A. Kolomeisky and D. Lacoste,
    Biophys. J, 102, 1274 (2012), [PDF], [arxiv].


  44. Modified fluctuation-dissipation theorem for general non-stationary states and application to the Glauber–Ising chain,
    G. Verley, R. Chétrite and D. Lacoste,
    J. Stat. Mech., P10025 (2011), [PDF], [arxiv].

  45. Condensation of actin filaments pushing against a barrier,
    K. Tsekouras, D. Lacoste, K. Mallick and J.F. Joanny,
    New J. Phys., 13, 103032 (2011), [PDF], [arxiv].

  46. A planar lipid bilayer in an electric field: membrane instability, flow field and electrical impedance,
    F. Ziebert and D. Lacoste,
    Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes, 14, 63 (2011), [PDF], [arxiv].

  47. Modified fluctuation-dissipation theorem for non-equilibrium steady states and applications to molecular motors,
    G. Verley, K. Mallick and D. Lacoste,
    Europhys. Lett., 93, 10002 (2011), [PDF], [arxiv].


  48. A Poisson-Boltzmann approach for a lipid membrane in an electric field,
    F. Ziebert and D. Lacoste,
    New J. Phys., 12, 095002 (2010), [PDF], [arxiv].

  49. Fluctuation relation for molecular motors,
    D. Lacoste and K. Mallick, in
    B. Duplantier and V. Rivasseau (eds), 2010. "Biological Physics. Poincaré Seminar 2009",
    Progress in Mathematical Physics Vol 60, Birkhäuser [PDF], [arxiv],

  50. Role of ATP-hydrolysis in the dynamics of a single actin filament,
    P. Ranjith, K. Mallick, JF. Joanny, and D. Lacoste,
    Biophys. J, 98, 1418 (2010), [PDF], [arxiv].

  51. Effective zero-thickness model for a conductive membrane driven by an electric field,
    F. Ziebert, M. Z. Bazant, and D. Lacoste,
    Phys. Rev. E, 81, 031912 (2010), [PDF], [arxiv].


  52. Fluctuation Theorem for the flashing ratchet model of molecular motors,
    D. Lacoste and K. Mallick,
    Phys. Rev. E, 80, 021923 (2009), [PDF], [arxiv].

  53. Thermal expansion within a chain of magnetic colloidal particles,
    D. Lacoste, C. Brangbour, J. Bibette and J. Baudry,
    Phys. Rev. E, 80, 011401 (2009), [PDF], [arxiv].

  54. Stochastic model for nucleosome sliding in the presence of DNA ligands,
    L. Mollazadeh-Beidokhi, J. Deseigne, D. Lacoste, F. Mohammad-Raffie and H. Schiessel,
    Phys. Rev. E, 79, 031922 (2009), [PDF], [arxiv].

  55. Non-equilibrum self-assembly of a filament coupled to ATP/GTP hydrolysis,
    P. Ranjith, D. Lacoste, K. Mallick and JF. Joanny,
    Biophys. J., 96, 2146 (2009), [PDF], [arxiv].

  56. Measuring colloidal forces with the magnetic chaining technique,
    R. Dreyfus, D. Lacoste, J. Bibette, and J. Baudry,
    Eur. Phys. J. E, 28, 113 (2009), [PDF], [arxiv].

  57. Electrostatic and electrokinetic contributions to the elastic moduli of a driven membrane,
    D. Lacoste, G. I. Menon, M. Z. Bazant and J.-F. Joanny,
    Eur. Phys. J. E, 28, 243-264 (2009), [PDF], [arxiv].

  58. Membrane tension lowering induced by protein activity,
    M. D. El Alaoui, D. Lacoste, J. Pécréaux, JF. Joanny, J. Prost, and P. Bassereau,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 038102 (2009), [PDF], [arxiv].


  59. Fluctuation Theorem and large deviation function for a solvable model of a molecular motor,
    D. Lacoste, A. W. C. Lau, and K. Mallick,
    Phys. Rev. E, 78, 011915 (2008), [PDF], [arxiv].


  60. Non-equilibrium fluctuations and mechanochemical couplings of a molecular motor,
    A. W. C. Lau, D. Lacoste, and K. Mallick,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. , 99, 158102 (2007), [PDF], [arxiv].

  61. Fluctuations of a driven membrane in an electrolyte,
    D. Lacoste, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino, and JF. Joanny,
    Europhys. Lett. , 77, 18006 (2007), [PDF], [arxiv].


  62. Dynamics of active membrane with internal noise,
    D. Lacoste and A. Lau,
    Europhys. Lett. , 70 (3), 418 (2005), [PDF], [arxiv].


  63. Fluctuation spectrum of fluid membranes coupled to an elastic meshwork:
    jump of the effective surface tension at the mesh size

    J.-B. Fournier, D. Lacoste, E. Raphaël,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 018102 (2004), [PDF], [arxiv].
    This paper has lead to a communication in the journal of the CNRS (in french).

  64. Geometric depolarization in patterns formed by backscattered light,
    D. Lacoste, V. Rossetto, F. Jaillon and H. Saint-Jalmes,
    Optics Letters, 29(17), 2040-2 (2004), [PDF], [arxiv].

  65. Depolarization of backscattered linearly polarized light,
    L-F. Rochas Ochoa, D. Lacoste, R. Lenke, P. Schurtenberger and F. Scheffold,
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 21(9), 1799-1804 (2004), [PDF], [arxiv].

    2003 and older

  66. Field-induced structures in miscible ferrofluid suspensions with and without latex spheres,
    M. Islam, K. Lin, D. Lacoste, T. Lubensky and A. Yodh,
    Phys. Rev. E, 67, 021402 (2003), [PDF]

  67. Phase transitions in lyotropic nematic gels,
    D. Lacoste, A. Lau and T. Lubensky
    Eur. Phys. J. E 8, 403 (2002),[PDF], [arxiv].

  68. Effective index of refraction, optical rotation, and circular dichroism in isotropic liquid crystals,
    D. Lacoste, P. Collings and T. Lubensky,
    Phys. Rev. E, 65, 031717 (2002), [PDF], [arxiv].

  69. Phase transitions in a ferrofluid at magnetic field induced microphase separation,
    D. Lacoste and T. Lubensky,
    Phys. Rev. E , 64, 041506 (2001), [PDF],[arxiv].

  70. Coherent Backscattering of light in a magnetic field,
    D. Lacoste and B. van Tiggelen,
    Phys. Rev. E, 61(4), 4556-65 (2000), [PDF], [arxiv].

  71. Transport mean free path for magneto-transverse light diffusion: an alternative approach,
    D. Lacoste,
    Waves in Random Media, 10(3), 367-372 (2000), [PDF], [arxiv].

  72. Magneto-Optics with diffuse light,
    D. Lacoste and B. van Tiggelen and G. Rikken,
    Physica B, 279 13-16, (2000), [PDF].

  73. Photonic Hall effect in ferrofluids: theory and experiments,
    D. Lacoste, F. Donatini, S. Neveu, S. Serughettti and B. van Tiggelen,
    Phys. Rev. E, 62(3), 3934-43 (2000), [PDF], [arxiv].

  74. The Photonic Hall Effect in absorbing media,
    S. Wiebel, A. Sparenberg, G. Rikken, D. Lacoste and B. van Tiggelen,
    Phys. Rev. E, 62(6), 8636-9 (2000) [PDF].

  75. Transport Mean Free Path for Magneto-Transverse Light Diffusion,
    D. Lacoste and B. van Tiggelen,
    Europhys. Lett., 45(6), 721-725 (1999), [PDF], [arxiv].

  76. Optics of a Faraday Mie sphere,
    D. Lacoste, B. van Tiggelen, G. Rikken and A. Sparenberg,
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 15(6), 1632-42 (1998). [PDF], [arxiv].

  77. Sonoluminescence from Single Bubbles in Nonaqueaous Liquids: New Parameter Space for Sonochemistry,
    K. Weninger, R. Hiller, BP. Barber, D. Lacoste and S. Putterman,
    J. Phys. Chem. 99, No. 39,  14195-7 (1995), [PDF].

  78. Proceedings

  79. Growth and Collapse of Bubbles in Superfluid 4He,
    P. Roche, H. Lambare, E. Rolley, D. Lacoste, S. Balibar, C. Guthmann and HJ. Maris,
    Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Low Temperature
    , Suppl S1, Czech. J. Phys., 46, 381-2 (1996).

  80. Stokes parameters for light scattering from a Faraday-active sphere,
    B. van Tiggelen and D. Lacoste,
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 63:305-19,(1999), [PDF], [arxiv]

  81. Recent trends in the theory of magneto-scattering of light in Recent Trends in Theory of Physical Phenomena in High Magnetic Fields,
    B. A. van Tiggelen, G. Rikken, F. Pinheiro and D. Lacoste,
    (edited by I.D. Vagner et al, Kluwer Academic (2003), pp 323-331).

  82. Fluctuation relations and fluctuation-response for molecular motors,
    G. Verley and D. Lacoste,
    AIP Conference Proceedings, 1332, 247-8 (2011).

  83. Miscellaneous

  84. My dissertation: Light scattering in magneto-optical and chiral media,
    under supervision of B. van Tiggelen, [ZIP] or [PDF].

  85. My habilitation: De la matière molle aux milieux biologiques : quelques applications en Physique Statistique.

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